That’s right ya’ll, can you believe its birthday season again?
I refer to the months of March, April, and May as ‘birthday season’ in our house because 4 of our 5 family members have birthdays in those months. It’s one celebration after another as our youngest daughter and myself have birthdays in March, our middle child in April, and our son’s birthday is in May. So this past weekend, our daughter rang in year 3 with a unicorn themed birthday party.

And what unicorn birthday wouldn’t be complete without some rainbow cameos? I DIYed this streamer rainbow with 6 different colors of crepe paper streamers from Hobby Lobby. For $6, I’d say it made a big impact! Since our house is under renovation and the ceilings aren’t finished, I stapled the crepe paper directly to the ceiling. You could also use push pins or tape (just test the tape first to make sure it doesn’t pull the paint off of your surface!).

And in typical birthday fashion, I put together a balloon garland using purple metallic balloons, large 24″ lavender balloons, teal balloons, and some other leftover balloons I had.
Unicorn Party Food
For this celebration we provided snacks and refreshments. The rainbow fruit skewers were a huge hit along with the Unicorn Snack Mix. The kids also loved Annie’s birthday cake bunnies and rainbow goldfish.

To keep with the unicorn birthday theme, I used purple cups and these unicorn cupcake toppers to display snacks in. I removed the wooden skewer from the cupcake toppers then attached them with double sided tape near the top rim of the cups. Then I used a sharpie to draw unicorn eyes. It only took me about 10 minutes and added a cute touch to the table.

I prefer to bake my own cakes and cupcakes (they can really add up when ordering from a bakery!) and for this celebration, I used this recipe for Confetti Sprinkle Cupcakes from Sally’s Baking Addiction. I made several batches and I highly recommend using full-fat sour cream. When I made a batch with light sour cream, they did not turn out nearly as good! And my favorite frosting recipe by Beyond Frosting was literal icing on the (cup)cake. Unicorn sprinkles provided the perfect finishing touch for the cupcakes.

This was such a fun theme to work with and the kids (and adults) enjoyed all the festive decor – especially the rainbow streamers 🙂
Sources: Unicorn Birthday Party Decor

Looking for more birthday party ideas? Check out some of the other parties I’ve hosted here: