Recently, I shared how we built a modern industrial bathroom vanity, and today I wanted to share the rest of this small bathroom renovation with you. This bathroom is located at my in-laws' house in Saint Louis, Missouri, and we were lucky enough to be part of the process of this remodel. The old bathroom was original to their 1960s house and included some very retro blue tile. My in-laws were already contemplating a bathroom reno when one day last fall there was an unfortunate event that ended in a broken toilet tank. This was the catalyst for this project…

It's fall y'all! Okay, so maybe fall doesn't technically start until September 22nd, but by social media standards, its fall. And I have been waiting to share these pumpkin-honey pancakes with you for-ev-er. Please tell me you got 'The Sandlot' reference? The truth is, I make these pancakes all year round. If you follow me on instagram, you know I'm always whipping these up on weekend mornings. I just can't help myself. They are that good. And, I haven't met anything pumpkin flavored that I didn't like. So, why limit pumpkin flavor to only a few months a year? And…

Today, I'm excited to share a DIY project we completed last year. I know, I know, it's been 9 months since 'last year.' But with contractor lead times being what they are now, it took much longer than expected for this modern industrial bathroom vanity to make it into its home. Andrew's parents, my in-laws, recently completed a gut renovation of their primary bathroom. While in the design phase, they consulted us and asked if we could build a custom bathroom vanity to fit their narrow space. Sound familiar? We also built this vanity last year for Andrew's brother who…

Summer break has come to an end in our household and I'm finally back to share some of the projects I completed over the summer. I hosted a few Pinterest Parties this summer, the first of which consisted of creating DIY wooden plant stands. This super simple craft is easily customizable to your style and even further customizable using wood stains and paint. So, what's a Pinterest Party you ask? Only the most fun you'll have on a Friday night :) But besides that, its a ladies craft night (okay, sometimes Andrew makes an appearance when power tools are involved)…

Last month I shared our DIY herringbone barn door and I mentioned how I bleached some of the yellow pine wood. Yellow pine is a very affordable wood option, but it can be a little too, well, yellow. Wood bleaching gave my door a much more streamlined look. So, today I'm sharing my technique and all the steps I used to complete the look. I was surprised by how easy it was! My main reason I tried this method was because I used two different wood types for my barn door project. The barn door frame was constructed with a…

The herringbone barn door is finally finished! We started this project at the end of February and here we are in mid-June and I can say we are 99% done. Okay, so it still could use a door handle. But you guys, I couldn't wait to share this project with you. And technically, it functions just fine without a handle, but it will most certainly look better with one. I ordered a handle for the door just before writing this post, so it should be here by the time you are reading this. I will surely update you if its…

Well y'all, thats a wrap! Birthday season has come to an end and we went out with a bang. Our eldest turned 6 at the end of May to concluded the rapid fire birthday secession that happens in our household. Our daughters have birthdays in March and April, then our son celebrates his birthday right before the start of summer in May. When I asked my son about a birthday party theme, he suggested several options before finally settling on a camouflage themed party. A camouflage birthday party theme can go a lot of different ways. When I started researching…

I'm a big supporter of birthdays. My husband might even say I go over the top. But on your birthday, I believe you should experience all of your favorite things, whatever that means to you. It may be certain foods, certain activities, even a certain place. My son is constantly requesting homemade overnight cinnamon rolls for his birthday breakfast, and for the birthday breakfasts of his other family members. So when his sixth birthday rolled around, I knew what to expect. Of course, when he decided on a camouflage themed birthday, I knew I had to stay on trend with…

If you've been following along, you know its birthday season (March - May) in our household. I shared our 2 year-old's Two Sweet birthday party a few weeks ago, and we already have another celebration under our belt. When I asked our eldest daughter what she wanted to do for her birthday, she insisted on a 'Batman party.' With a little persuasion, she agreed a BatGIRL party would be even better. The Decor My usual start to planning a birthday party is to scroll Pinterest for ideas, but I was surprised to find there weren't that many Batgirl themed photos…

If you read my post from a few weeks ago, you know I'm helping my friend Monica with her home reno, as her ceiling turned waterfall wreaked havoc on her house. I'm calling this project the Allandale Project, and my have things started to pick up. At the time of writing this, the drywallers are at the tail end of the tape and float process, and we are 5 days away from cabinet delivery. The general contractor is moving things along quickly and the spaces are starting to take shape. You can read about the initial cause of this renovation…